Model: Notation

Mandatory element

A notation is the basic nomenclature of any system or subsystem inside MOSAICmodeling. Complex equation systems or models may have several connected notations. However, let us begin with a single notation here. The more complex case of several notations will be discussed in the section on connectors.


Every variable element that you use in your equations, must be introduced in a notation. This shall inform the choice of your variable names and makes sure that you think about the names of each variable. A variable inside MOSAICmodeling may consist of up to four different parts:

  • Base names
  • Superscripts
  • Subscripts
  • Indices

Each variable may only have one Base Name and one Subscript, but as many Superscripts and Indices as required:

\mathrm{Base}_{\mathrm{subscript}, \mathrm{index}_1, \mathrm{index}_2, \dots}^{\mathrm{superscript}_1, \mathrm{superscript}_2, \dots}

Explanation of the editor

Base Names, Superscripts, Subscripts, and Indices for all variables appearing within your Equation System need to be entered into your Notation with the help of the Notation editor (Figure 1). Table 1 explains the entries of the notation editor.

Figure 1: The Notation editor inside MOSAICmodeling lets you enter base names, superscripts, subscripts, and Indices describing your model. Engineering Units can be preassigned to Variable Names optionally. Note that this editor might look differently depending on your operating system.
File Filename of your notation once you have saved or loaded it
Unit set Filename of your loaded unit set
Description Description of your notation, e.g., its purpose. A description is always necessary
Keywords Optional keywords for your notation
Base names All base names of your notation
SuperscriptsAll superscripts of your notation
Subscripts All subscripts of your notation
Indices All indices of your notation
(in adding window)
When you click on the plus at the bottom right corner, and adding window opens. Here you need to add the index (or the another variable element)
Max. value
(in adding window)
In the case of an index, you need to set the variable that determines the maximum value of this index so that you can, for example, in sum formulation
(in adding window)
A short description of the index, e.g., “component index”
Table 1: Elements of the notation editor.


The image below illustrates the workflow to set up a whole notation.

Figure 2: Workflow to set up a notation with and without engineering units.