Large equation systems may represent a unit in the chemical engineering sense. It makes sense to restrict the accessibility of the variables of such Equation Systems and, in a second step, add standardized output interfaces to them. This way, all incoming and outgoing material streams in a model of a process unit can have exactly the same notation. It would also be possible to define interfaces that represent control inputs and outputs, etc. To provide this kinds of standardized access points, MOSAICmodeling allows the user to specify ports. Ports belong to an equation system and cannot exist independently. They have a distinct name, an identification numberand, contains the names of the two ports it connects, and an indication to the interface it uses. Two units with ports can be connected by streams.
In this section, examples for using connectors in MOSAICmodeling are given. The examples are visible to all users and the examples always note the ID of the respective element. Therefore, you can always consult this solution if you do not know how to proceed.
- “Use of Ports and Streams I – Defining Units by Adding Ports” explains the basics of ports.
- “Use of Ports and Streams II – Using Streams to Connect Ports of Units” shows how units can be connected with streams.
- “Use of Ports and Streams III – Creating a Unit for Flowsheet Simulators” demonstrates how units can be exported to ChemCAD and Aspen Plus
- “Use of Ports and Streams IV – Creating Condenser, Trays, and Reboiler as Units and Connecting them with Streams” continues example V for connectors by creating condenser, trays, and reboiler as units and connecting them with ports and streams