Model: Engineering units

Optional element


Ensuring the unit consistency within equations can be cumbersome with self-formulated models. The use of engineering units simplifies this process. When the model considers engineering units, MOSAICmodeling can automatically make your model / initial guesses for variables consistent.

Explanation of the editor

Engineering units can be combined to a set, which can in turn be used in your model. A possible set is shown in Figure 1 below. The engineering units themselves are defined in the respective tab in the “Miscellaneous” section of MOSAICmodeling as described here. Table 1 describes the elements of the editor of the unit set.

Figure 1: Editor of the engineering unit set with a loaded set.
FileFilename of your set of engineering units once you have saved or loaded it
DescriptionDescription of your unit set, e.g., its purpose. A description is always necessary
KeywordsOptional keywords for your unit set
UsagesModel elements, i.e., equations or functions, in which the unit set is used
NameName of the unit
IdentifierShort form of the unit
DescriptionExplanation of the unit
DimensionFraction of the involved dimensions, such as length, time, temperature, etc.
Conversion to SIFormula to calculate the SI unit from the given unit ( = x \cdot \mathrm{conversion})
Conversion from SIFormula to calculate the given unit from the SI unit ( = y \cdot \mathrm{conversion}, inverse function to above)
“+ Unit” / “Trash Unit”Lets you add or remove a unit from the current unit set
Table 1: Elements of the unit set editor.