Today MOSAIC has been updated to a new version (1.4.1). Have a look at the improvements and bugfixes in the following list:
- The editor to edit variable specification lists (VarSpecViewer) has been significantly improved:
- Using the ImportTab of the Evaluation Editor it is now possible to include not only the value but also lower and upper bounds of variables
- Description and keywords are now available for all model elements
- Logging of user actions for improved support can be activated (Extras->Information)
- Specification of “integrate” and “encapsulate” has been updated (see MOSAIC Documentation->Connectors for Details)
- Indexing section of the Evaluation Editor has been revised. The new “index pools” should minimize the number of TopLevelIndices to be specified
- The RefreshTree function in the database Editor now works without selecting any package
- The “Attachment” part of the DescriptionTabs (file up- and download) has been improved and the entries can now be sorted by name or date
- Instantiation of nested sums has been fixed